Why I quit using Backblaze

on Apr 11, 2017
When I heard about Backblaze, I was excited. Full offsite backup for just $5/month.

I've been using Time Machine with a Time Capsule for years, but it's not going to back you up when you're traveling, …
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HTML for ACS Use

on May 22, 2000

Ever wondered how you could make your postings in forums, news and similar places more interesting?

HTML is the answer and you can learn the basics in just a few minutes. Read on if you would like to e…

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UI For Diagramming Software

on May 17, 2000

When I want to write something, writing on computer is much more efficient than writing it with pen and paper. But then I want to throw in a quick diagram or a drawing to illustrate my point, and the …

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WAP Will Fail

on May 10, 2000

WAP will fail, because every single assumption it is built on is wrong. The instant someone delivers true, always-on internet to a handheld device, nobody will ever care about WAP again. And it will i…

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LDAP Introduction

on May 08, 2000

The Big Picure

LDAP is basically a specialized database. Some of the characteristics are:

  • It consists of entries organized in a hierarchy.
  • It favors reading over writing.
  • Every entry has a primary ke…
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