I’m into numerology.
I built a calculator that helps with finding names that match certain values.
I’ve named my companies and products based on numero…
I still remember that day in the elevator in IKEA. My wife had taken a shopping cart into the elevator.
I thought that wasn’t allowed.
I got so scar…
You've tried beating yourself up for years and years.
Where has that gotten you?
How about trying something new?
Maybe you're afraid that …
I know it's cliché, but please please ... remember to focus on what you have to be grateful for, not what's missing or what could be better.
I fail m…
I remember what it was like before I found my purpose.
I would chase whatever seemed like it was going to give me that all-elusive success. Whatever s…
A lot of people go around feeling guilt over all kinds of things all the time.
Have you noticed that too?
Guilt is rarely a useful feeling. It doesn…
Tony Robbins is famous for saying "success leaves clues".
Modeling others is incredibly powerful.
But there comes a point where you have to realize …
Lots of people love playing the victim.
"I can't."
"It's too hard."
"It's not my fault."
"If only..."
What's worse, though, are people playing th…
Have you ever had that experience where you woke up and realized that you needed to make a change?
Something was off. Something wasn't working. Somet…