Remember this... every day!
I know it's cliché, but please please ... remember to focus on what you have to be grateful for, not what's missing or what could be better.
I fail miserably at this myself sometimes.
The pain of being a visionary is, it's easy to see what could be.
But reality is never that way.
I learned from the best of them (my dad) to always see what's wrong with everything. Enter every room, and we'll both instantly see what's broken or out of place.
If you're into Human Design and Gene Keys at all ... I have the 18th gene key of judgment - integrity - perfection as my Evolution sphere. This sphere represents the biggest challenge in your life.
So yeah, I know this very well.
I started reading Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy's new book "The Gain and the Gap" yesterday, and that's exactly it!
When unchecked, I tend to compare my current reality to where I want to be, and I end up feeling miserable. This is the gap.
When I focus on how far I've come, I feel great. This is the gain.
There's been areas in my life, though, where I've lived in a state of delusion. I told myself that I was more successful than I really was. Or that I was just on the cusp of some great success.
This really threw me into a deep depression after I turned 33, because I kept telling myself that I was soooo close to being a multimillionaire or even a billionaire by 30 ... but eventually I couldn't keep up the delusion.
Those moments sting, but they're healthy. They're important.
Just don't do what I typically do, and go all-in on comparing myself to where I want to be.
It's great with a wake-up call.
But don't start making yourself miserable.
See things clearly. Acknowledge reality.
Give yourself a massive dose of love.
Set some goals, sure.
But keep focusing on how far you've come, not how far you still have to go.
Who says how far you "have" to go?
Focus on being happy and fulfilled today. Genuinely and from the inside.
Because you love yourself, and because you're awesome, and because of how far you've come.
Then just keep doing your best each day.
About Calvin Correli
I've spent the last 17 years learning, growing, healing, and discovering who I truly am, so that I'm now living every day aligned with my life's purpose.
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