Time-shifting is very cool, a great way to enjoy the medium, the wave of the future, etc.
But isn’t it ironic, how the broadcasters have most of these programs as individual pieces on tapes or hard d…
Time-shifting is very cool, a great way to enjoy the medium, the wave of the future, etc.
But isn’t it ironic, how the broadcasters have most of these programs as individual pieces on tapes or hard d…
But then…
Inspired by the Ruby construct where you can embed something like
#{"<em>some string</em>" if <em>condition</em>}
inside a string, I have started using this syntax in Tcl from time to time:
de.lirio.us is a new clone of del.icio.us. I’m stymied. I understand that the intention is to make an open source clone, so that others can innovate at the API level. But I still don’t get it.
Joel Spolsky: The screenshot-to-bug-report feature is a really good idea. Of course, it is trivial to implement with FlySketch, an altogether fabulous screen grabbing tool for the Mac.
One of the unanticipated surprises was that it runs out photo collection as a screen saver. I used to never…
The receiving part is not a problem. Getting a…
One really great Rails feature that OpenACS lacks is the ability to run the interactive irb
shell right inside the…