I just had one of those "d'uh" moments: I realized I'd been limiting my thinking to things that I knew I could pull off.
Once I let go of that constraint, I get tons of great ideas for things I'd love to do, that I have no idea how to pull off. I know they're feasible technically, but I'd need a team to do them with me, and that I don't know how to pull off.
Coming up with things I really want to create that I don't know how to pull off, is much more inspiring.
Then I can let my creativity and the universe help me come up with magic ways to actually make it real.
It's obvious, once you realize it.
But I hadn't noticed how much I was actually limiting my own thinking.
Dream big. Then dream even bigger.
I think I just saw that in the past few days, but I'm not sure where.
Dream big. Then dream even bigger.