@media 2007 - so many choices
Other·Calvin Correli·Jan 17, 2007· 1 minutes

@media2007 has been announced, and I really want to go. But where? San Francisco is closer to my partner, but London is closer to home.

And I also want to go to SXSW and GEL. And of course RailsConf.

So let’s see the lineup:

  • SXSW: March 9-13 in Austin
  • GEL: April 19-20 in New York
  • RailsConf: May 17-20 in Portland
  • @media: May 24-25 in San Francisco
  • Reboot9: May 31-June 2 in Copenhagen
  • EuroGEL: September 6-7 in Copenhagen

Looks like a busy spring.

What conferences are you going to this year?

(UPDATE: Added EuroGEL, Reboot)