Collaboraid's first Rails project


I’m quite thrilled to announce our first project based on Ruby on Rails.

And it’s not a small project, either. We will develop an intranet for our client, a large NGO whose identity we cannot reveal.

I first heard of Rails back in March, and I liked what I saw, particularly the ActiveRecord part. My initial gut reaction was to try and reimplement ActiveRecord in OpenACS, but then after thinking it over a bit, I realized it made more sense to use the “real thing” rather than try and copy it.

So when the first official release came out in July, I started playing with it. Learning Ruby was quite easy – we were able to get started just by looking at the existing code, and the Ruby book by the Pragmatic Programmers is excellent. Rails has been similarly easy to learn, what with plenty of support from the Rails community on #rubyonrails, good introduction materials on the site, and a visit by David.

At this point, we can’t wait to get started on our first real project. It’ll be fun.

(Reposted from collaboraid.biz)


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