Creativity is every company’s first driver
Nolan Buschnell who hired a young and pretty far-out Steve Jobs to work for his company, Atari, before Steve started Apple:
"Because as Steve and I discussed that day in Paris, without creativity your company will not succeed," Bushnell says in the book. "That concept may not sound surprising, but what is surprising is how few companies realize it, or actually do anything about it. Creativity is every company’s first driver. It’s where everything starts, where energy and forward motion originate. Without that first charge of creativity, nothing else can take place."
You can have certainty or creativity. You cannot have both. You can have certainty or passionate love. You cannot have both. You can have certainty or live your life fully. You cannot have both.
It is human nature to yearn for safety in an unsafe world. That is why we must always face fear, always lean into our fear, always be willing to act in the face of fear.
Everything lives in a continuum between 100% certainty and 0% certainty. If you always insist on certainty, you lose creativity, love, passionate sex, and your very life energy.
Because these are not four things - they are all the same thing.
Embrace uncertainty, creativity, love, life, sex, zest. Embrace your dreams. Now!
About Calvin Correli
I've spent the last 17 years learning, growing, healing, and discovering who I truly am, so that I'm now living every day aligned with my life's purpose.
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