Shake-ups and habit bumps

7 months of daily (that is, five-and-a-half days per week) yoga practice, of which the last 5 months were at 4am every morning, is now over. Last day was today. The yoga shala will be closed for the next six months.

It feels good. I'm looking forward to a change of pace, and shake-up in the routine.

I always find that these shake-ups are good - travel especially. I loathe it, I rarely look forward to traveling, but when I go, it always ends up being good for me.

It's like the shake-ups help push me over the hump to the next level ... when I'm ready, that is. Last time I traveled was in February when I traveled from Copenhagen to Mysore. In the airport I had this strong knowing that I'm so done with doing zenbilling all alone. That it's time to start hiring a team, right here in India. One month later, and I have a full-time developer and a couple of assistants. Bam! :)

I'm not sure what's in store with this change, but I'm looking forward to it.

I know I'm not going to abandon the yoga. When I was a kid, I remember people talking about sci-fi scenarios where we'd just eat a pill instead of having to eat food. I don't know why you'd ever do that when there's so much amazing food in the world, but then again, if you live in Denmark, where fresh produce is not available most of the year, and meat is filled with antibiotics and fear and tense muscles, then I guess it makes some sense, but still...

Yoga, however, is like those pills to me. It's a practice that takes care of everything important physical in one go. It sweat a lot, get high pulse and short of breath, build strength, increase flexibility, massage internal organs, heal old traumas, and work on my energy body, all at once. I just do my practice, and I never have to worry about my physical condition or do any other form of exercise. The rest of the day, I can go on my motorcycle even if it's just around the corner and not feel bad about it. So I do.

Actually, I do have a feeling what's in store next. Item number one: zenbilling getting established in the global English-speaking market, including the US. I'm already getting AMAZING feedback from my first international customers and I've learned that it stacks up really well against the competition. And the competition is companies with hundreds of employees, and I'm just me, so that's pretty cool.

Item number two: Getting Conscious Startups out into the world. I did a talk at a local business school here in Mysore, and for the first time it felt like I've nailed it. I know what it's about now, and I'm ready to get out there and share it with the world. It feels great.


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