I'm absolutely convinced that there's a future for good writing. It's just that most of what passes for writing on the internet, in the established media, is not. It's horribly conceived of, it's horribly researched, it's horribly written. And so the only thing they can think of is the race to the bottom of outrageous headlines and slideshows with celebrities and crap like that. They deserve to die, all of them.
Some examples of great writers that knows how to make money online: John Gruber, The Economist, and 37signals. Yes, I know that 37signals makes money from their software, not their writing, but the great thing about writing on the internet is you can come up with any business model you'd like. It's all up to you and your creativity. So long as the product is amazing, and you're committed, you're bound to find a way.
And now, Andrew Sullivan has ventured out on his own, and apparently they're off to a great start.
I believe people like Andrew is doing much more than making a smart business decision. They're helping pave the way of journalism in the future. Because we need good journalism now more than ever, and there's so precious little of it. Finding working business models is a huge part of the puzzle.
And it all starts with great writing and a respect for the audience.