Hi Rune
We have one life. All of life is part of life. I believe in bringing everything you have, everything that makes you you, with you in your work. I believe your work is a big part of your mission on this earth.
It’s not like you keep your intutiton and emotions and creativity and subconscious at home, and just go to work with your brain. It doesn’t work, and it would be a huge mistake to try and do that.
I think “creative types” understand this instinctively.
That said, your “work”, your mission, may not be the thing that pays the bill. I love what Cedric over at Liming More is doing. It’s similar to The 4 Hour Work Week: Make your cash in as little time as possible, then spend your life doing interesting stuff. Your real work.
I also believe in checking your personal problems at the door. If you’ve had a fight with the girlfriend, you don’t bring that to work. You compartmentalize, as best as you can, channel your frustrated energy into excelling at work, and you attend to it later. But you do attend to it. You don’t suppress or forget.
The inner work is the most important part. If we’re not doing our inner work, we’re subconsciously going to not only sabotage ourselves, but also contaminate and distort the work that we do in unhelpful ways.
And with this, you can’t just “positive talk” your way out of it. Putting ice cream on top of poop doesn’t make it any less poop. You have to do the work that it takes to clean out that stuff, and it’s not always fun. Above all, it requires that you’re willing to see yourself honestly, and that you’ll allow your ego to take a hit. Every time your ego shrinks it’s actually a good thing, even though it feels horrible. In the words of Steve Jobs: “It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it.”