Content marketing
Great post by Hugh MacLeod today on gapingvoid:
I love the ending, too:
That's the hard part: Making something truly great.
And I think the key to that is your "art", as Seth Godin would call it.
Something that comes form inside your soul or the core of your being in a way. It doesn't have to be deep or mystical or weird. It just has to be you, what you're about, in a very real sense. You can't fake it.
That's one of my core themes, as you've probably noticed by now.
Consultants showing off how smart they are? Under-employed or over-employed, that is content marketing. Exactly.
You write a blog. You build a dedicated following. You leave a discreet, non-pushy trail of breadcrumbs to what your business actually does for money. If X percent of your readers take the bait and become paying customers, hey, you win.
I love the ending, too:
That’s the good news. The bad news is, effective content marketing requires two things: world-class content and a world-class product. Harder than it looks. Life is unfair.
That's the hard part: Making something truly great.
And I think the key to that is your "art", as Seth Godin would call it.
Something that comes form inside your soul or the core of your being in a way. It doesn't have to be deep or mystical or weird. It just has to be you, what you're about, in a very real sense. You can't fake it.
That's one of my core themes, as you've probably noticed by now.
About Calvin Correli
I've spent the last 17 years learning, growing, healing, and discovering who I truly am, so that I'm now living every day aligned with my life's purpose.
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