Best spatula

I love Cook's Illustrated for their thorough testing of recipes, techniques and equipment. It's fun and enjoyable and enlightening, all at the same time.

In the latest (July/August 2010) issue, they're testing metal and plastic spatulas, and found a winner in each category.

I figured I'd try and see if I could buy them on, even though I live in Denmark.

Here's the search for the winner in the metal category:

Amazon search for wusthof spatula.png

Notice the second item? It doesn't have anything to do with Wüsthof.

But it happens to be the winner in the plastic category.

And on the product page, you get this:

Screen shot 2010-08-10 at 9.33.59 AM.png

Seems their algorithms are working like a charm.

Now go get those spatulas.

For me, I think I'll wait until next time I'm in the US. I'm afraid of what kind of taxes and duties they're going to hit me with. Bastards!


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