Prima Donna

I have a hard time figuring out what the deal is with the Prima Donna cheese. What I know is that it’s wildly popular in Denmark right now, in the red and blue varieties, and that in addition to the supermarkets, it’s frequent sold in Italian specialty stores.

Yet, the fact is that it’s Dutch. Most people think it’s Italian, but it’s not. It’s a brilliant marketing move, though. The name and the texture clearly signals Italy.

Not that the dutch can’t make cheeses, they make some great Goudas if you happen to get then in Holland. But abroad, Holland isn’t exactly associated with great cheese.

I was just talking to my business partner, Christina’s mother-in-law, who is Dutch, and she has never heard of the Prima Donna cheese, which makes it even more plausible that it’s a cheese designed for export to people who can’t tell the difference. Smart people!

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I think the Prima Donna is a Gouda, actually. Just with more maturation than usual. There's also another cheese out there just like it, but with a brown packing. It sports a more Dutch name (forgot it, sry). Think maybe that is the original brand. Since my Dad is a seller of cheese (go figure) it might be interesting to know that Danish cheese is nothing but stolen goods. The national icon "Danbo" is originally a cheese from the steppes of Mongolia (sic!), imported, and bent to our evil will. The only original Danish cheese left is a n obscure smoked cottage cheese from Funen.
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I found this cheese in Lund, Sweden, not noticing the name or origin at the time. It was one of the most delicious cheeses I've ever tasted. I went back for more and brought home several pieces as gifts. Everyone loves it. The Dutch do make excellent cheese - a trip to Amsterdam will convince you. I googled Prima Donna cheese and found that it's an aged gouda and located several online sites for buying it. I can understand why it's a hit in Denmark!
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can someone tell me who is the manufacturer of this prima donna range of cheese, the actual manufacturer not a company marketing it or distributing it. thanks
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