SubEthaEdit: "see" your files
Now could we get the same thing for TextMate, please? That would be really useful, since I’m always working in both TextMate and the shell at the same time, and if I need to edit a particular file, it would typically be faster to just open the file from the shell, than to grab the mouse and click-expand/scroll around the folders tree to locate and open it.
I know that I can say open, if that file is already associated with TextMate, but it opens in a separate window, not as part of my project. It would be nice with a command that just always opens TextMate, regardless of associations.
And when you make this feature, make sure you check if the file is already included in one of my open projects, and open it there, not in a separate window.
Thanks! :)
About Calvin Correli
I've spent the last 17 years learning, growing, healing, and discovering who I truly am, so that I'm now living every day aligned with my life's purpose.
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