Amazing weekend. For a long time, the work on producing the Yearbook for Testrup Højskole has been a model of good, fun team work. Work the way it should be. Working with people who care. When Alexander Kjerulf asked me to tell a story of when working felt particularly great, that was the story I told. When I started my business, it was with the express goal of recreating this spirit and experience in a work setting.
Since then, I’ve found that (a) it’s not easy, and (b) there are a number of things you do not want to copy, such as the drinking and smoking, and© the closest any normal business has come is probably Southwest Airlins.
This weekend was even better then they used to be. I haven’t been to the school for four years, and I’d forgotten a lot about what it was like. Getting back to school with this group of great people totally blew me away. It’s like 700 on-switches were turned on inside me. I also feel totally relieved. Much lighter. It’s very hard to explain, so let’s just say I had fun. Thanks to all of you. You know who you are :)