You can read the extended version of the story over at, but basically I’ve had a hard drive crash, and I didn’t have adequate backups.
I’ve set up a version of the site from June 15. And I’ve been able to recover most of the data since then from various sources, including Google Cache. I have web log up to August 5, and bookreviews up till July 28, the “Influence” book. (I haven’t had time to actually stuff it back into the database, though.)
If you have stuff from August sitting in your browser cache, including the blog, book reviews, photo gallery thumbnail pages, etc., please email it to me, either as HTML files or as a gif or however is possible for you.
Also, if you downloaded the “lars-stuff” via anonymous CVS, then please tar that up and send that to me as well, since I’ve lost parts of that code, too.
Thanks a bunch. Let’s just say that this whole things has been slightly annoying, but that I’ve no-one to blame but myself :)