What's This Site Running
Other·Calvin Correli·Mar 23, 2002· 3 minutes

UPDATE: This site is now running Rails instead.

I’ve been asked about the code running my site, lately, and especially people’ve asked me if they could get a copy. So, finally, here it is.

Keep in mind, that I’ve written this code for my own purposes. I put up this site to share what I know, but I only have limited time to maintain it. And hwatever time I have, I prefer to spend on writing content that benefit people directly, not code. Nevertheless, there is some code, and that’s what this page is about.

The Foundation: OpenACS

First of all, this site’s running <a href=””>OpenACS 4.something (I haven’t had time to upgrade to the latest 4.5 beta), on PostgreSQL 7.1.3. I’ve made a few fixes and modifications locally, that I haven’t had time to put back into the tree.

I’m in the process of moving this over to a fresh install of the latest version of OpenACS, and rewriting all of the applications that I’ve built, so they can become part of the OpenACS distribution, too. However, that process is going to take a while, given that I’m also busy running a company on the side.

The Packages

Then there’s the application-specific stuff.

Blog (lars-blogger)
The blogger is, not surprisingly, what I’m using for my blog on the front-page, the archive, the admin pages, etc.

The latest version lives in the OpenACS repostory: cvs -d co openacs-4/packages/lars-blogger

My book reviews.

Emails me server error log snippets, so I know when someone comes across errors, so I can fix them.

You can get it from my lars-pub repository: cvs -d co lars-pub/packages/lars-watchdog

Not Recommended Packages

The following packages are really crud, and should only be looked at for inspiration, and only if you’re willing to do a large amount of hacking yourself. Not guaranteed to work with any other installation of OpenACS.

Ratings (lars-ratings)
This takes care of my ratings stuff, including some stats on the admin pages.

You can get it from my lars-pub repository: cvs -d co lars-pub/packages/lars-ratings

Leftover crud from when I had everything stuffed together in one OpenACS package, plus some stuff that some of the other unported packages sadly need.

You can get it from my lars-pub repository: cvs -d co lars-pub/packages/lars

This takes care of my homebrew ADP-based content management system.

You can get it from my lars-pub repository: cvs -d co lars-pub/packages/lars-articles

Yeah, so I do want to keep track of how many visitors I have. This counts the hits for me.

You can get it from my lars-pub repository: cvs -d co lars-pub/packages/lars-hits

Manages my photo gallery, including admin pages that does the scaling and borders and other stuff for me.

You can get it from my lars-pub repository: cvs -d co lars-pub/packages/lars-images

Really small, simply takes care of the /f/g/ and other shortcuts on this site.

You can get it from my lars-pub repository: cvs -d co lars-pub/packages/lars-shortcuts

That’s what’s there. I’ll try to get time to release the remaining packages soon.