___PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE______________________________________________ FOUNDER AND CEO 2002 Collaboraid ApS, Copenhagen, Denmark - Founded Collaboraid (http://www.collaboraid.biz), a software consulting company specialized in collaboration and learning software, based on the OpenACS platform. - Clients include MIT Sloan, Greenpeace International, and Heidelberg University. - Currently 3 people and profitable CHIEF UI ARCHITECT 2001 ArsDigita Corp., New York City/San Francisco, USA - Designed the user interface for the entire ACS product, including a web content management system, personalization system, and the product catalog. - Defined a framework for the entire user interface of the application, based on goal-directed design, personas, goals, and classic usability engineering principles. - Defined and coached a process of user interface and interaction design, used by software developers and program managers throughout the company. - Worked with graphic designers to design a compelling and effective graphic appearance to the interaction design. - Helped define a new collaboration software product from scratch. SENIOR DEVELOPER 1999-2001 ArsDigita Corp., New York City, USA - Extended ShareNet, one of the most successful knowledge management solutions ever, for Siemens, along with a very small team of other developers. - Designed and implemented a highly praised workflow system, including a web-based graphic editor. - Designed major parts of several major architectural overhauls of the ACS web application toolkit. PROJECT PROGRAMMER 1998 Department of Computer Science at University of Aarhus, Denmark - Research project in Open Hypermedia Systems for the Web. - Programmed an asynchronous, multi-threaded inter-process communication infrastructure, tying together the 3-tiered architecture, in Java. - Programmed the core of two key modules in the architecture in Java. - Developed a simple web server in Java to query the database. CONTRACTUAL SOFTWARE DEVELOPER/ANALYST 1994-1997 Dansk System Inventar A/S - Developed mission-critical product planning and control system for Dansk System Inventar A/S, Svendborg, Denmark. - Analyzed the field of production planning and control. - Designed a flexible software architecture and database. - Managed the development project with two fellow programmers. - Developed the system as lead developer. - Still being maintained and used - more than 6,000 items. SYSTEMS CONSULTANT 1992-1993 Dansk System Industri A/S, Kokkedal, Denmark. - DSI developed the market-leading Danish office suite, DSI-SYSTEM. - Solved specific problems for clients on location, often under tight time constraints. - Designed and developed tailor-built and off-the-shelf database systems. FREELANCE SOFTWARE DEVELOPER 1988-1992 - Developed system for Dansk System Inventar A/S, Svendborg, Denmark to let their customers worldwide place orders electronically; translated to several languages, distributed to customers worldwide, still in daily use as of today. - Developed DemoMaker, an early text-based presentation program; sold to several clients, used at fairs and shows. ___EDUCATION____________________________________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF AARHUS, Denmark B.S., Computer Science., GPA 3.8. - Research project in Open Hypermedia Systems for the Web. - Programmed the core of two key modules in the architecture. UNIVERSITY OF AAHURS, Denmark Minor at Department of Information Studies ___COMPUTER SKILLS______________________________________________________ - Languages : C, C#, Java, Perl, Tcl, PHP, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, Pascal, Delphi/Object Pascal, (La)Tex. - Internet : AOL Server, Apache, IIS, HTTP, TCP/IP, XML. - Platforms : Unix (Solaris, Irix, Linux), Windows, MacOS. - Databases : Oracle, PostgresQL, IBM DB/2, MySQL, InterBase, Access.