As a follow-up to my last post about the Qualcomm train wreck, I was just watching some of this old Apple Keynote from 2003 with Steve Jobs that I found on Don Melton's blog:
There's a very touching moment at the 49 minute mark where Steve shows off an effect in iDVD with Louis Armstrong's It's a Wonderful World as the sound track, and he pauses for a second to say "This is why we do what we do".
Compare and contrast to the segment with Alice Eve, star of the new Star Trek movie, in Quacomm's 2013 CES keynote. It starts at the 18:19 mark and goes on for a few minutes. Alice is not trying all that hard to hide her disdain for the whole thing, not just the show, but also the app she's supposed to be touting. Because it's got no heart, no soul, it's all features and technology with nothing inside.
God, I miss Steve Jobs. I hope you're doing well wherever you are. Please swing by sometime. Would love to stay in touch.