No matter what happens
Other·Calvin Correli·Apr 12, 2012· 1 minutes

Steven Pressfield seems to be gearing up to his new book, Turning Pro:

No matter what happens, up or down, in the world of the marketplace or the sphere of “what other people think of our stuff,” we as professionals must keep our eyes on the prize—and that prize is what WE OURSELVES think of our best stuff and what trajectory our true-heart work is propelling us upon.

Reminds me of Maya Angelou saying: When people praise you for your work, simply say “thank you”. When they criticize and rage against your work, just say “thank you”. If you take the praise to heart, you’re bound to also take the criticism to heart, and it’s going to lead you astray. Just follow your own guidance, regardless of the reaction of your surroundings.

Btw, if you’re not following Steven Pressfield, you’re doing yourself a disservice.