I'm not a physicist
Other·Calvin Correli·Mar 26, 2011· 4 minutes

I’m not a physicist, let alone a scientist of any kind, and I sure don’t play one on TV. Or on the internet.

But here are some fascinating observations:

  • It seems that at the very smallest level, everything consists of wave-particles. It’s not really a particle, it’s not really a wave, what it is depends on how you look at it (Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle). To me this says that If you drill deep enough into you and me and this computer and the chair you’re sitting on, you’ll find only wave-particles zooming around in some specific patterns in space.
  • We know that time and space at the very micro or very macro ends of the scale cause problems and make more sense when considered as a single space-time continuum. So time and space isn’t quite what we think it is, either, at least not at the edges.
  • It is generally accepted that two particles can be connected (entangled) across space in a way that a change in one causes an instantaneous change in the other, if I understand things correctly. They’re somehow connected in a way that travels faster than the speed of light.

Doesn’t that fuck just a little bit with how we normally go around perceiving the world?

I’m not going to tell you what all of this means about how the world works. I don’t know. No-one does.

What I am going to suggest is that all these things taken together does mean that our nice and clean and orderly 3-dimensions-5-senses-Newtonian world view isn’t entirely accurate.

Beliefs shape our perceptions. If we believe something exists, we’ll see it. If we don’t believe something exists, or we won’t.

My suggestion is that you open up your belief system to include things like premonitions, synchronicity, your higher self, your soul, presence, the ability to sense visions of things that want to be expressed through you, the flow of energy in your body and around you, things of that nature.

A good place to start is to begin to pay attention to your own perceptions at a deeper level than you’re used to, and see what makes sense to you, what resonates with your experiences, when you open yourself up to the possibility that these things are real.

This is pretty scary for most of us. It messes with our world view. It makes us uncomfortable. What else of all the things I run around believing may be wrong? And realizing that you were wrong about something is hurtful to our egos. But it’s worth it.

I’ll be the first to warn you that this can be a slippery path to pursue. The human mind has some amazing cognitive biases that are going to fuck with you, many of them beautifully illustrated in Penn & Teller’s TV series Bullshit.

For example, once we believe something, we have a strong tendency to use facts that agree with our beliefs as evidence that our beliefs are true, while ignoring or dismissing facts that disagree with our beliefs.

But in my book, it’s about time we started questioning some of the beliefs we hold to be true. They don’t seem to be serving us all that well - I’m thinking global climate change, wars, poverty, hunger, obesity, the number of people on antidepressants, drugs, alcohol, the number of unhappy people, the split between rich and poor, the global financial crisis, and on and on.

If you don’t have the results you want, it’s time to change your behavior. And since behavior is determined by your beliefs, your beliefs are where you start.