wificafe: Meyers Deli

Meyers Deli seems like a great place to get work done during normal business hours: Excellent food at reasonable prices, wifi, obviously (I haven’t verified, I asked a waiter), and most noteworthy: A no-smoking policy. Thank you!

No word on how busy they are during normal work hours, or how welcome the laptop people are there. They serve breakfast from 8 AM on weekdays. Very busy on weekends, not for laptoppers then.

UPDATE: Strike that. They do have wifi, but it’s secured and only for internal use. Repeat: No public wifi. Bleah.

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Olle Jonsson

Oh, this is most welcome. All of these hints become more urgent as "summer" draws nearer. OK, summer is a strong word. Let's say "when dark season is lifted".
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Steffen Christensen

No-wifi makes the post somewhat moot :-( What happened to "The Rough Guide to Cafes for the Working Technorati"? you guys were discussing this fall?
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Lars Pind

Yes, nowificafe is a bummer. Nikolaj said he was able to get a signal in the window, but we couldn't today. I asked another waiter and he said they'd thought about it, but they didn't want people lingering all day. About that site -- yeah, I got busy :( I figured we could start with the technorati tag "wificafe" to mark them up -- and maybe we could establish a microformat of sorts.
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