We have flipped the switch and launched Boxes and Arrows on our new “we media” product, PublicSquare. (If you’re not seeing “Under the Boxes-and-Arrows hood” as the top story, you’re still seeing the old site - be patient with the DNS.)
The product is designed specifically for we media, or peer-produced online publishing. No more trying to shoehorn your site into software designed for blogs or generic online communities (whatever that is).
Boxes and Arrows is a prime example of a peer-produced publication, so it’s quite a thrill to have them as the first publication to go live.
We’re expecting to open the doors to the general public very soon indeed.
Now it would’ve been nice to have the PublicSquare site ready now, but we don’t - we wanted to get Boxes and Arrows up while it was still weekend. I’ll post an update here with the URL as soon as that site is up.