Do you know any Jason Frieds?
Other·Calvin Correli·Nov 22, 2005· 1 minutes

From what I understand, the way they work over at 37signals is that Jason Fried will do interaction design, graphic design, HTML, and CSS coding, which he’ll then hand to David or some other programmer, which will add code.

That sounds like a great way to work. The visual presentation is really intricately tied to the interaction, you want to treat it as a whole. The programmer can eliminate most of the rework, because others have already figured out the details of what to code.

There’s only one little problem: I haven’t met any designers like that, apart from JF himself. I’ve met designers who design in HTML and CSS, which is definitely a plus. But none that also do the interaction part well.

Are there any such people out there, or is Jason unique?

Or maybe I’m misguided. There’s also Ryan and Matt, perhaps Jason doesn’t do all those things, but only some of them, and they do the rest. Can anyone offer any insight?

Have you found your Jason Fried?