Weblogs.com sold to Verisign: Something for me!
Congratulations to Dave Winer on selling weblogs.com to Verisign. Unlike those other deals, this one has pretty good potential for the users. It’s a central piece of infrastructure, and Verisign does have a lot of experience running those.
Dave is an authentic, honest voice in the tech industry, calling it the way he sees it, contributing the core concepts, protocols and infrastructure that are going to bring this medium forward and give us the change in the media and other industries that we are longing for.
Dave, I appreciate your hard work, you really deserve some payment for this. Keep it up, as I know you will.
About Calvin Correli
I've spent the last 17 years learning, growing, healing, and discovering who I truly am, so that I'm now living every day aligned with my life's purpose.
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